How to Relieve Anxiety

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Experiencing feelings of anxiety is very humane. Anxiety can certainly hit anyone, under certain conditions. But not all people who feel anxious to have reasonable levels of anxiety, in particular when the anxiety that often arise could be a bad habit.

When anxiety has become an extreme course will be more worrisome. Visiting the doctor became one of the best solution, but it will not be useful without train themselves to control these feelings.

Here I will give you 9 tips relieve anxiety

tips relieve anxiety, How to Relieve Anxiety

 Here 9 How to Overcome Anxiety

1 Stop drinking coffeeDrink coffee or anything containing caffeine such as tea, soda, and various other soft drinks is one of the triggers of anxiety. The content of caffeine in these drinks will increase excessive anxiety and affected my quality of your sleep. So that these things will greatly affect the onset of anxiety in the face of something.

2 Reduce the sugar content in foodsReducing sugar content in food will also be very useful. Sugar can also raise emotions quickly and uncontrollably. It is included with anxiety, because the presence of emotions that change the anxiety will easily appear.

3 Reduce alcoholAlcohol is one of the causes of disruption of your nervous system. Many people assume when experiencing stress, the alcohol can help to reduce these feelings. Instead, according to the founder Soberistas Lucy Rocca, alcohol interfere with the central nervous system, causing a lack of concentration, a decrease in blood sugar, changes in the level of serotonin, mood swings, and increased heart rate. So as to consume in excess then aian so the potentially affect your anxiety.

4 Reduce watching newsAlthough in general a lot of people who say that the event must be adding news and penetahuan information, but actually only deliver news the bad things that happen every day. It is certainly very dangerous for neurological conditions and your emotions, so if you often watch the news then gradually anxiety will continue to emerge.

5 JoggingSports of course always, be the solution for your physical and spiritual health. Including solutions to overcome your anxiety. Princeton researchers found that the brains of mice that exercise has a different response to anxiety than the mouse brain lazy to move. Not only exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells, can also be very useful exercise to train soothe the soul.

6 MeditationMeditation will also be very useful for spiritual health and certainly overcome anxiety. Researchers at Wake Forest found that anxiety was significantly reduced for someone who meditate for 20 Menti per day. You can meditate alone or attend a meditation class. If you want to do it yourself then you should do it with a regular schedule each day.

7 YogaOf the 35 trials at St. Elizabeth Medical Center, 25 noted a significant reduction in stress and anxiety after adding yoga program in their therapy. The combination of breathing and focused attention can help to slow down the mind that bercabanh everywhere. Consider doing yoga at least several times a week.

8 Do not think crazy and desperate
Have thoughts and creative ideas is a good thing. But do not get stuck with the creative mind, because it can only be thought crazy and desperate. We all have crazy thoughts, according to Dr. Leahy, but if excess will be maslaah for excessive anxiety.

9 Learning to be a spectatorThe mind is a part of us, but not all of them should have. That's why when you're meditating aim to keep your mind in order to control it. If the mind and anxiety appear then learn to be a spectator of your anxious thoughts and Ra. Make it just a spectacle is not a thing to worry about.

Anxiety is very disturbing but do not let it dominate you.

Causes of Diarrhea and how to treat diarrhea

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Diarrhea is a very disturbing activity. You must be out of the toilet to urinate. In addition, the stomach will feel very sick like twisted and certainly gives the impression that is not good for you.

Diarrhea is often caused by spicy food and cold weather. When diarrhea are many drugs that are offered by a variety of products but not all of them can be effective as desired. Sometimes diarrhea we are still in progress and also very long cessation.

diarrhea causes,what causes diarrhea,chronic diarrhea causes

 8 Natural Ways to Treat Diarrhea Quickly

Here are a powerful way to treat diarrhea that can quickly stop.
1. Drink water
When the diarrhea, the body will expend a lot of fluids so you need to increase the supply of liquid to drink plenty of water. Adequate water consumption can prevent you from dehydration. You can drink water, fruit juice or vegetable nodes rich in water.
2. Avoid alcohol consumption 

The digestion process is interrupted so that the bowel does not work properly due to diarrhea. These conditions do not you perparah to consume alcoholic beverages. Wait until you recover diarrhea, you just can drink alcohol.
3. Get plenty of rest
You can manage diarrhea with adequate rest. Avoid sleeping too late and waking up too early. The digestive system also needs to rest so they can recover as usual. Enough sleep can help decrease the symptoms you are experiencing.
4. Drinking ORS
One of the powerful drug for treating diarrhea quickly is ORS. ORS known as salt and electrolyte solution is effective to suppress the frequency of bowel movements are unnatural.
5. Drinking tea
To soothe stomach pains and sore, you can consume a variety of teas ranging from black tea, ginger, raspberry tea, chamomile, green tea oolong up. You can drink the tea after dinner. If necessary mix tea with lemon solution.
6. Drinking Vinegar Apple
If you are tired of tea when it comes to treating diarrhea quickly, just take advantage of cider vinegar ,. The way you can mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar into juice or plain water. Drinks to the patient at regular intervals until the diarrhea diarrhea clogged.
7. herb turmeric
Other natural ingredients that you can use is turmeric. Turmeric is already widely known to cure some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, ulcers, dysentery, diarrhea, and so forth. If you want to use turmeric to treat diarrhea, then it needs to be mixed a few other ingredients. You need to prepare a 1/2 finger turmeric, 1/2 spoon wind penetrance, coriander 3 seeds, pieces of wood ules 1 seed, and leaves alum 1 strands. Combine all ingredients and add 115 ml of water. Boil until boiling and then filtered. You can drink it in the morning and during the day as much as 100 ml.
8. Potion of glutinous rice
Glutinous rice also bsia you guankan for treating diarrhea. Prepare 100 grams of glutinous rice and 1 finger turmeric. How to make it, you have to fry without oil until charred. Then, burn turmeric until well charred. After that, the two materials are mashed up into a fine. You can brew the potion with hot water. Take one tablespoon for once brewed and can be taken 3 times a day.

Hopefully this article useful. :) 

About Us

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Hello all, it turns out there who want to know about me, hahaha. I'm a student from Indonesia who are studying on science blogs.  
My hobbies are reading, reading a lot of things, because I think just by reading we will know a lot about everything and this life  
may be felt light with a routine that so boring.

This blog will only have health articles that hopefully enable you from any disease that afflicts.
so first explanation about me, my expectations about the existence of this blog easier for me if I or my family experienced a mild disease that can be cured with ingredients that are not difficult to find and I hope this blog can help their readers.

Thank you

Sore Throat Remedies

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10 Ways to Soothe a Sore Throat

An easy way to treat a sore throat

sore throat remedies treat throat remedies 10 ways to soothe a sore throat
Feel better fast
A sore throat can be the first sign of a cold, a side effect of strained vocal cords, or an indication of something more serious (like strep throat).

Regardless of the cause, your immediate concern when soreness strikes is how to get relief, fast. You may be tempted to run to your doctor, but some of the best treatments are home remedies and over-the-counter meds, says Jeffrey Linder, M.D., an internist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, in Boston.

Here are 10 to try the next time you're feeling scratchy, hoarse, or just plain sick. 

  • Anti-inflammatories

One of the most effective treatments for sore throat is probably already in your medicine cabinet: an over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as Advil or Aleve.

"These medicines are combination pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, so they'll make you feel better and they'll also reduce some of the swelling associated with a sore throat," Dr. Linder says. "If you have a fever that's also contributing to your symptoms, they can help reduce that as well."

  • Saltwater gargle

Several studies have found that gargling several times a day with warm salt water can reduce swelling in the throat and loosen mucus, helping to flush out irritants or bacteria.

Doctors generally recommend dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. If the salty taste is too unpleasant for you, try adding a small amount of honey to sweeten the mixture slightly. (Just remember to spit the water out after gargling, rather than swallowing!)

  • Lozenges and sprays

Sucking on cough drops stimulates saliva production, which can help keep your throat moist. But many varieties are no more effective than hard candies, Dr. Linder says. For an added benefit, choose brands with a cooling or numbing ingredient, like menthol or eucalyptus.

Over-the-counter sprays like Chloraseptic produce an effect similar to cooling lozenges. They won't cure your sore throat or help you fight off the underlying cold, but they may help dull the pain temporarily. Chloraseptic's active ingredient, phenol, is a local antiseptic that also has antibacterial properties, Dr. Linder says.

  • Cough syrup

Even if you don't have a cough (yet), over-the-counter cough syrups can help ease soreness. Like drops and sprays, they coat the throat and provide temporary pain relief.

If you're headed to work, be sure to choose a non-drowsy formula. But if you're having trouble sleeping due to a sore throat, a nighttime formula like NyQuil (which contains a pain reliever and an antihistamine) or Robitussin AC (guaifenesin and codeine) can relieve pain and help you get some shuteye.

  • Fluids

"Staying hydrated is very important, especially when you're sick and your throat is irritated or inflamed," Dr. Linder says. "You should be drinking enough fluid so that your urine is light yellow or clear. This keeps your mucous membranes moist and better able to combat bacteria and irritants like allergens, and makes your body better able to fight back against other cold symptoms."

What you drink is up to you, Linder adds. Water always works (ice cubes, too!), but you can also change it up with something slightly sugary, like a watered-down fruit juice, or something salty, like chicken broth. 

  • Tea

Tired of drinking water? A warm cup of herbal tea can offer immediate, soothing relief for a sore throat. What's more, non-herbal teas—whether they're made with black, green, or white leaves—contain antioxidants that are thought to strengthen immunity and ward off infection.

For an extra boost, add a teaspoon of honey. It'll help the "medicine" go down, and it has antibacterial properties that may help you heal faster.

  • Chicken soup

An age-old home remedy for colds, chicken soup can help soothe a sore throat, as well. "The sodium in the broth may actually have anti-inflammatory properties, and it can feel good going down," Dr. Linder says.

Soup has an added benefit when you're sick: Eating can be painful and difficult with a swollen or very sore throat, so sipping some liquid nourishment will ensure that you're getting the nutrients you need to fight off your infection.  

  • Marshmallows

Although there's no hard evidence that it works, sap from the marshmallow plant has been used for hundreds of years—usually in tea form—to treat coughs, colds, and sore throats. And while real marshmallow bears little relation to the puffy campfire treats that took its name, both may have sore throat-fighting properties.

According to anecdotal reports, modern-day marshmallows can help ease sore throat pain, possibly because the gelatin coats and soothes. "It's not the wackiest thing in the world," Dr. Linder says. "If your throat is really swollen and it really hurts to swallow anything, I can see how something slippery and sweet like marshmallows might provide some relief."

  • Rest

It may not be the quickest solution, but getting some rest is probably the best thing you can do to battle the infection that caused your sore throat in the first place, Dr. Linder says.

"The vast majority of sore throats are caused by cold viruses, and we know that there's very little we can do to cure a cold once we've got it," he says. "Making sure your body is well rested will at least help it fight off the virus so you can get better sooner."

  • Antibiotics

Every once and a while—about 10% of the time in adults—a sore throat will be caused by a bacterial infection such as Streptococcus pyogenes. If, and only if, you test positive for strep throat or another bacterial infection, your doctor should prescribe an antibiotic. (Taking antibiotics for a sore throat caused by a virus will not be effective.)

Always take the full course of medicine, even if you feel better after a few days.

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How to Treatment Conjunctivitis

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Treatment for Conjunctivitis

Treatment for Conjunctivitis , how to treatment conjunctivis
The recommended treatment for conjunctivitis will depend on whether it is caused by infection, an allergic reaction or an irritant such as a stray eyelash.

Each treatment option is discussed in more detail below.

Infective conjunctivitis

Most cases of infective conjunctivitis do not require medical treatment and will clear up in one to two weeks.

There are several ways that you can treat infective conjunctivitis at home. The following advice should help ease your symptoms:
  •     Remove your contact lenses. If you wear contact lenses, take them out until all the signs and symptoms of the infection have gone. Avoid using contact lenses until 24 hours after you have finished a course of treatment. Do not re-use the lenses after the infection has passed as the old lens could be a potential source of re-infection.
  •     Use lubricant eye drops. These are available over the counter at pharmacies or they may be prescribed for you. They may help ease any soreness and stickiness in your eyes. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  •     Gently clean away sticky discharge from your eyelids and lashes using cotton wool soaked in water.
  •     Wash your hands regularly. This is particularly important after you have touched your infected eyes and will stop the infection spreading to other people.


Antibiotics are not usually prescribed for infective conjunctivitis as it usually clears up by itself and there is a very low risk of complications for untreated conjunctivitis.

However, if the infection is particularly severe or it has lasted for more than two weeks, you may be prescribed antibiotics. Some schools or playgroups may insist that a child is treated with antibiotics before they can return, although this is rarely necessary.

The two main types of antibiotics that may be prescribed are:
  •     chloramphenicol
  •     fusidic acid


Chloramphenicol is usually the first choice and comes in the form of eye drops.

Make sure you follow your doctor's advice about how and when to use the eye drops, or check the instructions that come with the medication so you know how to use them properly.

If eye drops are not suitable for you, you may be prescribed the antibiotic as an eye ointment instead.
Fusidic acid

Fusidic acid may be prescribed if chloramphenicol is not suitable for you. It's often better for children and elderly people as it doesn't need to be used as often. It is also the preferred treatment for pregnant women.

Like chloramphenicol, fusidic acid comes in the form of eye drops and should be used as advised by your doctor or as described in the instructions that come with the medication.
Side effects

Eye drops can briefly cause blurred vision. Avoid driving or operating machinery straight after using eye drops.

Chloramphenicol and fusidic acid can also cause some other side effects, such as a slight stinging or burning sensation in your eye. This feeling should not last long.
Further treatment

If you still have symptoms after two weeks, it is very important to go back to your GP. Also contact your GP immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  •     eye pain
  •     sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  •     loss of vision
  •     intense redness in one or both of your eyes

Your GP may suggest that you are tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Some STIs, such as chlamydia, can cause infective conjunctivitis. In this case, your symptoms may last for several months.
Allergic conjunctivitis

Your treatment will depend on which type of allergic conjunctivitis you have.

The four main types of allergic conjunctivitis are:
  •     seasonal conjunctivitis: typically caused by an allergy to pollen
  •     perennial conjunctivitis: usually caused by an allergy to dust mites or pets
  •     contact dermatoconjunctivitis: usually caused by an allergy to eye drops or cosmetics
  •     giant papillary conjunctivitis: usually caused by an allergy to contact lenses

Whatever the cause, you will find that some self-help methods can ease your symptoms.

If you have allergic conjunctivitis, you can follow the guidelines below to treat your condition at home:
  •     Remove your contact lenses. If you wear contact lenses, take them out until all the signs and symptoms of the conjunctivitis have gone.
  •     Do not rub your eyes, even though your eyes may be itchy. Rubbing them can make your symptoms worse.
  •     Place a cool compress over your eyes.
  •     Wetting a flannel with cool water and holding it over your eyes will help ease your symptoms.
  •     Avoid exposure to the allergen, if possible.

Seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis

If you have seasonal or perennial conjunctivitis you may be prescribed the following medicines:
  •     antihistamines
  •     mast cell stabilisers
  •     corticosteroids

These are described in more detail below.

If your allergic conjunctivitis requires rapid relief, your GP will probably prescribe a medicine known as an antihistamine.

Antihistamines work by blocking the action of the chemical histamine, which the body releases when it thinks it is under attack from an allergen. This prevents the symptoms of the allergic reaction from occurring.
Antihistamine eye drops

You may be prescribed antihistamine eye drops, such as:
  •     azelastine (not suitable for children under four years of age)
  •     emedastine (not suitable for children under three years of age)
  •     ketotifen (not suitable for children under three years of age)
  •     antazoline with xylometazoline (Otrivine-Antistin, not suitable for children under 12 years of age)

Antazoline with xylometazoline (Otrivine-Antistin) is also available over the counter from pharmacies without prescription. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, some antihistamine eye drops may not be suitable. Speak to your GP for advice. 
Oral antihistamines

You may be prescribed an antihistamine such as:
  •     cetirizine
  •     fexofenadine
  •     loratadine

You will usually only have to take an antihistamine once a day.

If possible, oral antihistamines should not be taken if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Speak to your GP for advice.

Although new antihistamines should not make you drowsy, they may still have a sedating effect. This is more likely if you take high doses or drink alcohol while you are taking antihistamines.
Mast cell stabilisers

Mast cell stabilisers are an alternative type of medicine. Unlike antihistamines, they will not provide rapid relief from your symptoms, but they are more effective at controlling your symptoms over a longer period of time.

It may take several weeks to feel the effects so you may also be prescribed an antihistamine to take at the same time.

Mast cell stabilisers that are commonly prescribed in the form of eye drops include:
  •     lodoxamide
  •     nedocromil sodium
  •     sodium cromoglicate


If your symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are particularly severe, you may be prescribed a short course of topical corticosteroids (a cream, gel or ointment). However, these are not usually prescribed unless absolutely necessary.

Giant papillary conjunctivitis

As giant papillary conjunctivitis is usually caused by contact lenses, the symptoms often clear up after you stop wearing them. The spots that form on the inside of your upper eyelid may last slightly longer.

If you develop giant papillary conjunctivitis as a result of recent eye surgery, you will be immediately referred to an ophthalmologist. This is to ensure that your eyes can be carefully monitored and the most effective treatment given.
Irritant conjunctivitis

Most cases of irritant conjunctivitis do not require any treatment as the condition should clear up once the irritant is removed from the eye.

An exception to this is if your eyes were exposed to harmful substances such as bleach or acid. This is usually regarded as medical emergency and you will need to be admitted to hospital so your eyes can be washed out with saline solution
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10 Easy and Natural Ways to Treat swollen gums and causes swollen gums

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Gum disease - Treatment, Gum Problems and Gum Disease
Swollen gums will cause pain that is persistent and require the help of a dentist to overcome. But you also can overcome the gums are swollen with traditional medicine natural home.  

Here's 10 Easy and Natural Ways to Treat swollen gums and causes swollen gums :

1. Using Warm Salt WaterJust like clove oil, salt water is often applied when your oral health problems such as toothache. Salt water just turned out to also be used to overcome your swollen gums, how pretty mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water, and direct gargled his mouth. Do it this way 2 times a day.

2. Using Clove OilClove oil is very popular with a wide berbabagai drug for oral problems such as toothache. Not only that, it turns clove oil is also beneficial for treating your swollen gums. The trick darting easy, simply apply clove oil on your gums problem, you should use 3 times a day after meals and still use until your gums heal.

3. Using Lemon and Warm WaterThis method is also quite powerful, which is enough to use ¼ lemon, then squeeze the juice and mix invitation ½ cup of warm water. Then rinse your mouth, do it this way 2 times a day.

4. Much Drinking WaterWhen your gums are swollen, your saliva will be reduced. To overcome this, many are drinking water. In addition, drinking water can cleanse the mouth and gums from bacteria.

5. Massage GumsThis method is very easy to do, how to simply use your index finger. How to massage your gums are quite a circular rubbing gently and slowly. If you are too ill, you can also massage the gums swollen cheek you. Make sure your finger is clean, so do not bring other bacteria easily infect your mouth.

6. Select Food MatchesSometimes or even usually the main cause swollen gums because the wrong food choices or not suitable for you. Such as meat, eating hard foods, and more. try to avoid foods that can make the rest stuck in your teeth gap as meat, if already you can try cleaning it with dental floss.

7. Regular BrushingIt is the most powerful way to avoid your swollen gums, as with brushing your teeth regularly especially scrubbing can remove residual food and bacteria in the mouth. At a minimum, rub your teeth 2 times a day, namely when bedtime and after waking. And avoid using a toothbrush that is rough, which actually makes your gums bleed and swell.

8. Consuming Vitamin and Food FiberOne of the things that can cause swollen gums is karea vitamin deficiencies, especially deficiencies of vitamin C and you rarely consume eat fiber. Try to eat fruits and green vegetables every day in your diet.

9. Use natural homemade mouthwashYou can prepare yourself at home mouthwash to treat gum disease. Use water with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide or baking soda for natural mouthwash. Gargling with this mixture can prevent gum disease. Do this several times a day to prevent the production and spread of bacteria in the mouth.

10. Modification of DietPrevent pain in the gums to avoid eating foods that stick to the gums and can build up of plaque, such as white bread. Instead choose foods high in vitamin C, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. Changes in diet can naturally soothe the gums, especially if it contains a lot of vitamins that are good for healing and nutritional health.

11 Tips on How to Overcome Flu or Flu Naturally

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11 Home Remedies for the Cold: Nasal Spray, Steam, Influenza

Influenza or better known as the flu is a viral infection that occurs in the respiratory apparatus such as the nose, throat and lungs, thus affecting the working of the nose, throat and the most rare, your lungs. Flu disease can be easily contagious and spreads from one person to another through shared way to share drinks, sharing eating utensils, direct contact, also coughing and sneezing. (Flu germs do not care if they are spread through touch or air, as long as they can get into your body). So, you have to be careful with this virus.

Main Causes of Disease Flu or Cold
Influenza (flu) is a type of infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses). Symptoms are usually arise from this disease among which chills, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, saki head feels heavy, coughing, weakness / fatigue and general discomfort.

How To Treat Diseases Flu or Cold
 Well, after we know what things can cause the flu, now time for me to share tips about how your way of overcoming the flu or a cold. Here are 10 Tips on How to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally:

1. Expand Drinking Water

Why should drink water puith? the answer is simple, because the water does have such a myriad of benefits that can also help treat the flu or a cold. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water puith / day. It aims to keep your throat clean from germs that can cause colds.

2. Consume Drinks Warm

In addition to reproduce minu water you can also consume beverages warm for example, puith warm water, the water warm tea, coffee etc. Why should warm drinks? The answer is because at the time of the flu, there will be a lot of fluid is wasted through the mucus, saliva and sweat. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water, utjuannya to replace lost body fluids. Why should the water warm? because warm fluids can help reduce congestion, prevent dehydration, and throat are disturbed. In addition, the steam from hot drinks can also help thin the mucus. So, if you immediately flu drinking warm!

3. Resting Total

Tired body condition will cause a weakened immune and flu will strike when the condition of the body that have weakened immune systems. Therefore, it is advisable for you to do a complete rest and stop working for a while, so that your immune system menjagi back as they should.

4. Consumption of Buan and Vegetables

When the weakened condition of your body, your immune system automatically will be weakened. Therefore intake of vitamins and minerals are needed untum help restore the body and helps improve the immune system to prevent disease meudah

5. Use Aroma Onion

Onions which as we know it as one of many spices, it also can be used as drugs to treat the flu. The aroma of onions (scallions, red, puith) can serve as a catalyst in the discharge and nasal wash. The trick, hold the onions under the nostril and inhale the aroma for about 5 minutes. Have a good luck!

6. Traditional Steam Therapy

Evaporation is one of the traditional ways that are believed effective to cope with the flu. The trick input into a basin of hot water, use a towel to cover your head, and place your face over the basin. To be more optimal result, you can blend of eucalyptus oil, turmeric, ginger or other spices.

7. Gargling

Gargling could be one solution when the flu attack. Why should rinse? aim to help clean the mouth so bad bacteria that causes flu does not go into the throat. Try gargling with warm water mixed with salt, apple vinegar, turmeric, ginger for maximum results.

8. Use Aroma Menthol / Mint

Using menthol or mint scent is one way for me to cope with the flu or a cold. It's easy, you just need to apply eucalyptus oil or balm near the nostrils, throat and chest you.

9. Shower with Hot Water

When you have the flu, try not to use cold water bath. But always use warm water goal is to keep the body warm.

10. Consumption of Spices That feels Warm

Finally you can also try to take the spice that tastes like warm, kencur, ginger, basil, sreh. Or it could be all of the following spices united and boiled with water, then drink boiled water.

11. A mixture of Honey and Ginger

Everyone must know honey. In addition to good taste, honey is also rich in benefits which are also useful in treating the flu or a cold. Way, take 2 segment ginger, then grate and mix with honey. Then you eat 3 times a day. surely recover.