♠ Posted by Unknown in Healthy
Experiencing feelings of anxiety is very humane. Anxiety can certainly hit anyone, under certain conditions. But not all people who feel anxious to have reasonable levels of anxiety, in particular when the anxiety that often arise could be a bad habit.
When anxiety has become an extreme course will be more worrisome. Visiting the doctor became one of the best solution, but it will not be useful without train themselves to control these feelings.
1 Stop drinking coffeeDrink coffee or anything containing caffeine such as tea, soda, and various other soft drinks is one of the triggers of anxiety. The content of caffeine in these drinks will increase excessive anxiety and affected my quality of your sleep. So that these things will greatly affect the onset of anxiety in the face of something.
2 Reduce the sugar content in foodsReducing sugar content in food will also be very useful. Sugar can also raise emotions quickly and uncontrollably. It is included with anxiety, because the presence of emotions that change the anxiety will easily appear.
3 Reduce alcoholAlcohol is one of the causes of disruption of your nervous system. Many people assume when experiencing stress, the alcohol can help to reduce these feelings. Instead, according to the founder Soberistas Lucy Rocca, alcohol interfere with the central nervous system, causing a lack of concentration, a decrease in blood sugar, changes in the level of serotonin, mood swings, and increased heart rate. So as to consume in excess then aian so the potentially affect your anxiety.
4 Reduce watching newsAlthough in general a lot of people who say that the event must be adding news and penetahuan information, but actually only deliver news the bad things that happen every day. It is certainly very dangerous for neurological conditions and your emotions, so if you often watch the news then gradually anxiety will continue to emerge.
5 JoggingSports of course always, be the solution for your physical and spiritual health. Including solutions to overcome your anxiety. Princeton researchers found that the brains of mice that exercise has a different response to anxiety than the mouse brain lazy to move. Not only exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells, can also be very useful exercise to train soothe the soul.
6 MeditationMeditation will also be very useful for spiritual health and certainly overcome anxiety. Researchers at Wake Forest found that anxiety was significantly reduced for someone who meditate for 20 Menti per day. You can meditate alone or attend a meditation class. If you want to do it yourself then you should do it with a regular schedule each day.
7 YogaOf the 35 trials at St. Elizabeth Medical Center, 25 noted a significant reduction in stress and anxiety after adding yoga program in their therapy. The combination of breathing and focused attention can help to slow down the mind that bercabanh everywhere. Consider doing yoga at least several times a week.
8 Do not think crazy and desperate
Have thoughts and creative ideas is a good thing. But do not get stuck with the creative mind, because it can only be thought crazy and desperate. We all have crazy thoughts, according to Dr. Leahy, but if excess will be maslaah for excessive anxiety.
9 Learning to be a spectatorThe mind is a part of us, but not all of them should have. That's why when you're meditating aim to keep your mind in order to control it. If the mind and anxiety appear then learn to be a spectator of your anxious thoughts and Ra. Make it just a spectacle is not a thing to worry about.
Anxiety is very disturbing but do not let it dominate you.
When anxiety has become an extreme course will be more worrisome. Visiting the doctor became one of the best solution, but it will not be useful without train themselves to control these feelings.
Here I will give you 9 tips relieve anxiety
Here 9 How to Overcome Anxiety
1 Stop drinking coffeeDrink coffee or anything containing caffeine such as tea, soda, and various other soft drinks is one of the triggers of anxiety. The content of caffeine in these drinks will increase excessive anxiety and affected my quality of your sleep. So that these things will greatly affect the onset of anxiety in the face of something.
2 Reduce the sugar content in foodsReducing sugar content in food will also be very useful. Sugar can also raise emotions quickly and uncontrollably. It is included with anxiety, because the presence of emotions that change the anxiety will easily appear.
3 Reduce alcoholAlcohol is one of the causes of disruption of your nervous system. Many people assume when experiencing stress, the alcohol can help to reduce these feelings. Instead, according to the founder Soberistas Lucy Rocca, alcohol interfere with the central nervous system, causing a lack of concentration, a decrease in blood sugar, changes in the level of serotonin, mood swings, and increased heart rate. So as to consume in excess then aian so the potentially affect your anxiety.
4 Reduce watching newsAlthough in general a lot of people who say that the event must be adding news and penetahuan information, but actually only deliver news the bad things that happen every day. It is certainly very dangerous for neurological conditions and your emotions, so if you often watch the news then gradually anxiety will continue to emerge.
5 JoggingSports of course always, be the solution for your physical and spiritual health. Including solutions to overcome your anxiety. Princeton researchers found that the brains of mice that exercise has a different response to anxiety than the mouse brain lazy to move. Not only exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells, can also be very useful exercise to train soothe the soul.
6 MeditationMeditation will also be very useful for spiritual health and certainly overcome anxiety. Researchers at Wake Forest found that anxiety was significantly reduced for someone who meditate for 20 Menti per day. You can meditate alone or attend a meditation class. If you want to do it yourself then you should do it with a regular schedule each day.
7 YogaOf the 35 trials at St. Elizabeth Medical Center, 25 noted a significant reduction in stress and anxiety after adding yoga program in their therapy. The combination of breathing and focused attention can help to slow down the mind that bercabanh everywhere. Consider doing yoga at least several times a week.
8 Do not think crazy and desperate
Have thoughts and creative ideas is a good thing. But do not get stuck with the creative mind, because it can only be thought crazy and desperate. We all have crazy thoughts, according to Dr. Leahy, but if excess will be maslaah for excessive anxiety.
9 Learning to be a spectatorThe mind is a part of us, but not all of them should have. That's why when you're meditating aim to keep your mind in order to control it. If the mind and anxiety appear then learn to be a spectator of your anxious thoughts and Ra. Make it just a spectacle is not a thing to worry about.
Anxiety is very disturbing but do not let it dominate you.